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We never actually see others for who and what they actually are. 

Instead we see projections and reflections of our deeper true selves. 

Every time we point a finger, there are always three pointing right back.

The things we love and admire about others are the things we love or want more of within ourselves.

The things we despise and struggle with about others, are the things we suppress, deny and keep hidden from others and even ourselves, deep within the shadows of our own subconscious.

These are the things we desperately need to face and better understand.

The pride of one's ego and persona, the often nice, happy, or tough, strong and successful mask we wear to present ourselves to the world, is unconsciously carefully constructed to hide our own inner insecurities and confusions, unhealed traumas and unresolved emotional issues. 

If you imagine someone who is brave enough to withdraw all their projections, then you get an individual who is ready to become conscious of a pretty thick shadow.

Such a person has saddled themselves with new problems and conflicts. 

They have become a serious problem to themselves, as they are now unable to say that others do this or others do that, others are wrong, and others must be fought against. 

Such a person knows that whatever is wrong in the world, is at its core, within themselves and is thus projected and reflected back to them upon the world they experience.

The shadow is often never faced by a typically religious person as a result of ignorance.


It is falsely assumed that the shadow within them is of a foreign entity, an external enemy seeking to pierce through the hearts of man and corrupt all that is good. But they forget that the devil itself is not an outsider, but is harbored deep within the dark fortress inside their own subconscious.

We all need to become the exorcists of our inner most demons. 

If each person only learns to deal with their own shadow, they have done something real for the world. 

They have succeeded in shouldering at least an infinitesimal part of the gigantic, unsolved social problems of our day.

Shadow work is the path of the heart warrior. - Carl Jung.

- Jono Nesdale. White Rabbit Personal Growth Counsellor 2020

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